How Much More Fuel Will You Use By Driving At 70 Mph, Compared With Driving At 50 Mph?

By Umme Hani on Sep 18, 2024
How much more fuel will you use at 70 than 50

Driving at 70 mph typically consumes about 15% more fuel compared to driving at 50 mph.

It’s not just the extra miles that make your gas tank empty more quickly when you travel. Speed plays a significant role in fuel efficiency. 

So, how much more fuel will you use by driving at 70 mph, compared with driving at 50 mph? The answer is: that compared to 50 mph, driving at 70 mph can consume up to 15% more fuel. 

Why? It’s All About Engine Performance 

The engine in your car works very hard to keep you moving. The harder it has to work the faster you go. To keep up, more fuel must be burned. 

Another factor is aerodynamics. 

Wind resistance rises with speed. Your engine must work even harder to maintain speed because of this unseen force which acts like a pushing wall. To overcome this wind resistance at higher speeds more fuel is required. 

Fuel Efficiency: A Modest Operation. 

Speed is one of many important factors that affect fuel efficiency. Your gas mileage can be greatly increased by controlling your speed. 

Reduce Speed, Increase Savings 

Now that you know how much more fuel will you use at 70 than 50. Keep this in mind the next time you’re traveling: a little slower speed can add up at the gas pump. 

Bonus Tip: You may further reduce fuel consumption by braking gently and accelerating gradually. Drive sensibly and sparingly! 

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