What hazard should you be especially aware of if you're turning left into a side road?

By Umme Hani on Sep 18, 2024
What hazard should you be especially aware of

You should be especially aware of pedestrians if you're turning left into a side road.

Making a left turn feels routine. Turn on your turn signal, glance in the mirror, and then proceed. Turning left, however, can be particularly risky. So, what hazard should you be especially aware of if you're turning left into a side road? Pedestrians are the reason. 

When turning left onto a side road, these are the main hazards that you must always be mindful of. The reason is as follows:

1. Blind spots: There are blind areas in your car, particularly on the driver’s side. It’s easy for pedestrians to vanish from view when they cross in front of your car. 

2. Misjudged Speed: Underestimating a pedestrian's pace when they walk or run is a common mistake. If you don’t give way, this could result in a collision. 

3. Distractions: All of us have moments when we are sidetracked. But keep your eyes on the road when you turn left. Avoid eating, texting, and tinkering with the radio. Pedestrians deserve your undivided attention. 

4. Hidden Pedestrians: Pedestrians may be hidden by foliage signs or even parked cars. Take extra caution when turning at intersections with poor visibility.

Keeping Pedestrians Safe

Little actions can have a significant impact:

1. Make early use of your signal: Notify other drivers and pedestrians that you intend to turn. 

2. Examine your blind areas and mirrors: Make sure it’s clear by casting a quick glance over your shoulder. 

3. Get to a full stop: Don’t just slow down - pedestrians are put in danger by rolling stops. 

4. Give way to those on the right: There is always a right of way for pedestrians using sidewalks or crosswalks. Let them cross with patience. 

5. Turn after taking two glances: A cursory look is insufficient. Make sure there are no pedestrians in your path by pausing for a moment. 

Remember you could save a few minutes by making a left turn but you could lose a lot of money if you hit a pedestrian. Drive carefully. Watch for people walking by. Everyone has the right to travel securely to their destination.

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