What Should You Do If Your Vehicle Has A Puncture On A Motorway?
Stop on the hard shoulder and proceed to the nearest emergency telephone to request help. Avoid trying to fix your vehicle while on the hard shoulder due to the danger posed by fast-moving traffic.
![what should you do if your vehicle has a puncture on a motorway?](/assets/gallery/A3676D95-78E3-41B4-8A39D843ECC159D8.png)
- What Should You Do If Your Vehicle Has A Puncture On A Motorway?
- Remain Calm and Signal:
- Pull Over Safely
- Use the Emergency Phone:
- Safely Exit the Vehicle:
- Wait for Assistance:
It’s crucial to respond swiftly and carefully if you discover yourself driving on a motorway with a flat tire. Here’s what you should do if your vehicle has a puncture on a motorway:
Remain Calm and Signal:
As soon as you become aware that you have a puncture, do not panic! Just give a hand signal to pull over. To let other drivers know what you plan to do use your indicators.
Pull Over Safely
Pull over safely by steering your car to the hard shoulder, if possible. To improve visibility shift to the far left of your vehicle and activate your hazard lights.
Use the Emergency Phone:
To get help, use the motorway's emergency phone after you’ve parked safely. You can get assistance sent to your location by using this to establish a direct connection with the highway authorities.
Safely Exit the Vehicle:
Get out of your car from the passenger side if you can’t get to an emergency phone. Hold out behind the safety barrier until help arrives.
Wait for Assistance:
Exercise patience while you await assistance. Steer clear of trying to change the tire yourself especially if you’re in heavy traffic on a busy motorway.
You can manage a motorway puncture and stay safe until assistance arrives by doing these steps.