Your Car Gets A Puncture While You’re Driving On The Motorway. You Get It Onto The Hard Shoulder. What Should You Do?

Pull over as far left as possible and exit the vehicle using the nearside door. Avoid attempting any repairs, no matter how minor. Instead, make your way to an emergency telephone on your side of the road to call for assistance. While waiting for help, remain near your car but keep a safe distance from the roadway and hard shoulder.

By Umme Hani on Aug 15, 2024
Your car gets a puncture while driving on the motorway

You’ve encountered an unforeseen circumstance: a flat tire on the freeway. But fear not—knowing what to do when your car gets a puncture on the motorway can make all the difference. Here’s a brief guide to help you get through this unforeseen obstacle. 

Pull Over Safely: As soon as you become aware that your tire is punctured carefully maneuver your car to the hard shoulder. This is vital for both your safety and the safety of other drivers. 

Make Use Of Emergency Services: Use the emergency phone on the hard shoulder to contact for help once you’ve parked safely. Be careful to let the operator know where you are and the specifics of your circumstances. 

Stay Secure: It is crucial to keep yourself safe while you wait for assistance to arrive. Make sure that everyone in the car is buckled up and wearing seat belts. If the car is close to the traffic it is best not to stand outside of it. 

Be Patient: Help will be on the way, but it might take some time, especially during busy times. When you’re waiting for help to arrive remain composed and patient. 

Observe the Guidelines: When assistance arrives, follow the directions provided by the roadside assistance team. They will evaluate the situation and take the required actions to safely get you back on the road. 

Remember, getting a puncture on a motorway is stressful but you can ensure a speedy resolution to the situation by remaining composed and taking these actions. Travel cautiously! 

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