Exploring Buffer Lanes: What Are They and Where Are They Found?

By Umme Hani on Sep 19, 2024
Buffer Lane Meaning

Buffer lanes are the lanes found on the side of a road or highway. They are designed to provide extra space between the main lanes and the roadside, enhancing safety and allowing room for emergency stopping or maneuvers.

Ever notice an additional lane with stripes dividing it from oncoming traffic? This is known as a buffer lane. Buffer lane meaning - it provides an additional degree of security in the following scenarios: 

1. Motorists: Bicycles are given their own space in buffer lanes which keeps them apart from oncoming traffic. 
2. Work Zones: When constructing new roads buffer lanes may be utilized to protect workers from oncoming traffic. 
3. Highways with High Speeds: Buffer lanes can be used to keep fast-moving traffic apart from cars merging or leaving the road. 

Thus, the next time you see a striped zone keep in mind that it is a buffer lane. It is designed to keep drivers, employees and cyclists safe!

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