What Must You Do When The Amber Light Is Flashing At A Pelican Crossing?

Pelican crossings are signal-controlled crossings activated by pedestrians through push-button controls. Unlike other crossings, they do not have a red-and-amber phase before green. Instead, they feature a flashing amber light, indicating that you must yield to pedestrians already on the crossing, but you may proceed if the crossing is clear.

By Umme Hani on Sep 23, 2024
Amber Light at Pelican crossing


When you approach a pelican crossing, you need to know what action to take. This is especially crucial when you notice the amber light at pelican crossing flashing. The flashing amber light at pelican crossing serves as a warning signal, indicating that the traffic lights are about to change. In this situation, your primary responsibility as a driver should be clear. You must give way to pedestrians who are already crossing the road.

Why Give Way to Pedestrians?

Pedestrians have the right of way at pelican crossings when the amber light is flashing. By giving way to pedestrians, you ensure their safety. This allows them to complete their crossing without interruption. Following traffic regulations is crucial in this scenario. It promotes pedestrian safety and responsible driving behavior!

Understanding Your Role

As a driver, it's crucial to recognize the importance of yielding to pedestrians at pelican crossings amber light. This is especially important when the amber light is flashing. Yielding demonstrates respect for pedestrians' right of way. It also helps create a safer environment for everyone on the road.

Taking Caution

While giving way to pedestrians at a pelican crossing, it's essential to exercise caution and remain alert. Keep an eye out for any pedestrians who may be crossing the road. This is important even if the crossing appears empty at first glance.

Following Legal Requirements

Yielding to pedestrians at pelican crossings is essential for safety. It is also a legal requirement. Failure to give way to pedestrians at a pelican crossing can lead to penalties. These penalties may include fines and penalty points on your driving license.

That’s A Wrap!

When you encounter a flashing amber light at a pelican crossing, remember to give way to pedestrians who are already crossing the road. By following this simple guideline, you contribute to pedestrian safety. And uphold traffic regulations. Always prioritize safety and responsible driving practices. In order to ensure the well-being of all road users!


1. What should I do if I encounter a pelican crossing with no pedestrians present and the amber light is flashing?

Even if there are no pedestrians visible, you must still be prepared to stop. Give way in case someone intends to cross. Proceed with caution and be ready to yield if necessary.

2. Are there any specific rules for cyclists at pelican crossings?

Cyclists should dismount and walk their bikes across the pelican crossing. They should obey the same signals and rules as pedestrians.

3. What should I do if the green light is showing at a pelican crossing, but pedestrians are still crossing?

You must wait patiently until all pedestrians have safely crossed the road before proceeding. Even if the traffic light changes to green!

4. Can I overtake another vehicle at a pelican crossing?

Overtaking is not permitted at or near pelican crossings. Because it increases the risk of accidents involving pedestrians!

5. What should I do if I see a pedestrian waiting to cross at a pelican crossing but the lights are not activated?

You should still be prepared to stop and allow the pedestrian to cross if they decide to step onto the crossing. Always be vigilant and attentive to potential hazards, even if the lights are not active.

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