What Should You Do If The Amber Lights Come On And A Warning Sounds While You’re Driving?

Keep going; don't stop on the crossing. If you hear a warning sound and see the amber lights activate as you approach, you must stop unless doing so would be unsafe. The presence of red flashing lights along with an audible warning indicates that you must come to a complete stop.

By Umme Hani on Sep 23, 2024
Amber Traffic Warning


Amber lights at level crossings can often be a cause for confusion among drivers. Understanding how to respond when encountering these signals is crucial for ensuring safety on the road. In this guide, we'll explore what does it mean if this light comes on while you're driving and a warning sounds while you're driving over a level crossing. Additionally, we'll discuss safe driving practices in such situations.

Amber lights are crucial for level crossing safety, signaling caution and potential hazards. They alert drivers to exercise care. When faced with amber lights and a warning sound while crossing, remain calm. Take appropriate actions to ensure safety. It's vital for yourself and others.

Keep Going and Clear the Crossing:

When you encounter amber traffic warning lights and a warning sound at a level crossing, the correct response is to keep going and clear the crossing safely. Maintain your current speed and proceed through the crossing without stopping. Ensure that you do not obstruct the path of any approaching trains.

Avoid Stopping on the Tracks:

Stopping on the tracks at a level crossing is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. If you stop abruptly upon seeing amber lights and a warning sound, you risk being stranded on the tracks when the crossing barriers descend. This puts yourself and others at risk of a collision with an oncoming train.

Maintain Awareness:

While it's important to keep going and clear the crossing when encountering amber lights and a warning sound. It's equally crucial to remain aware of your surroundings. It's essential to be prepared to react to any unexpected changes. This includes watching for any approaching trains and being ready to stop if necessary, even after clearing the crossing.

Follow Traffic Laws:

As always, it's essential to adhere to traffic laws and regulations when driving over a level crossing. This includes obeying speed limits. Yielding to pedestrians and other vehicles as required. Following any instructions provided by signage or signals at the crossing.

Seek Assistance if Necessary:

If you encounter any issues or concerns while driving over a level crossing, such as malfunctioning signals or barriers, don't hesitate to seek assistance. Contact the appropriate authorities or emergency services to report the situation. Ensure that appropriate action is taken to address any safety hazards.

That’s A Wrap!

Navigating amber lights and warnings at level crossings requires drivers to remain vigilant. They should follow the appropriate protocols to ensure safety for themselves and others. By understanding the correct actions to take when encountering these signals, drivers can contribute to safer roadways. They can also reduce the risk of accidents at level crossings.


1. Can I proceed through a level crossing when the amber lights are flashing?

Yes! You should proceed through the level crossing when the amber lights are flashing. Ensure it is safe to do so and avoid accelerating.

2. What should I do if I see amber lights and a warning sound at a level crossing while I'm already on the tracks?

If you're already on the tracks when the amber lights and warning sound activate, clear the crossing as quickly and safely as possible. Avoid stopping if it's safe to continue.

3. Are there any penalties for ignoring amber lights at level crossings?

Ignoring amber lights at level crossings can lead to penalties such as fines and penalty points on your license. This behavior endangers both yourself and other road users and should be avoided at all costs.

4. Can I proceed through a level crossing if the barriers are still up but the amber lights are flashing?

No! You should never proceed through a level crossing if the barriers are up, even if the amber lights are flashing. Wait until the barriers are fully raised and the lights stop flashing before crossing.

5. What should I do if I encounter a malfunctioning level crossing with flashing amber lights and no warning sound?

If you come across a malfunctioning level crossing, proceed with extreme caution and be prepared to stop if necessary. Report the issue to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible to ensure safety at the crossing.

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